Sunday, July 27, 2008

LASIK Information

Have you ever heard about LASIK Technology? If no, then you must read this. It will give you idea on how effective LASIK information would be and how LASIK would help us about our health issues, optical health to be particular.

Today’s modern LASIK combines 3D mapping and customized treatment for the 1st all-laser technology. The US Military & NASA have approved this combination on personnel including pilots and astronauts. It’s the pinnacle of LASIK technology. It is really a sophisticated Technology combination that even US Military and NASA approved it. Only 20-25% of people are ineligible to this kind of treatment, which means most of us are eligible and can avail this kind of treatment. Most of ineligible people have thin, irregularly shaped corneas or unrealistic expectations.

This kind of treatment is fast and nearly painless. So, there is no need to be scared of. Serious complications are less than 1%. These may include dry eye, halos & double vision that resolve over time or are managed by enhancements or therapy such as drops to replace the eye’s moisture. Amazingly, almost 100% of the treatments are successful. This is a good opportunity for us. We shouldn’t miss this kind of technology.

Sponsored by Incendia Health

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